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2016-12-12 S.B. min. Exec.Sess
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Dec. 12, 2016
Executive Session Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   
Chairman Stan Moss, Jon Fudeman and Edith Morgan present, and TA Nina Nazarian present.

Executive Session

7:20 PM  Selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session. They discussed the police union requests which were initially presented at a meeting with the police chief, the T.A., and Advisory Committee member George Handy, and the union representatives. Nina explained there were a number of minor requests which she would be happy to review with the Board if they were interested, but the important ones were the percent increase in hourly salary rate and a proposal for an opt-out provision for Health Insurance. The average fulltime officer salary is between about $70K (including overtime) annually and can climb with extra detail/overtime work. Jon F. offered to glean extra information from Michele to find out more about staffing, shift differentials and scheduling, to see if hours may be scaled down or modified. The group was not willing to go over two percent salary raise—cost of living--for any employee(s). The comparison was made with Social Security payouts, which fluctuate according to inflation rates, so some years there are no cost-of-living raises at all.
        Nina explained that cutting costs by modifying hours in the Police Dept. is a long-term process. As it changes a basic structure, it should be outlined in BOS goals. It would likely require labor counsel and Nina warned that it may take staff time. Currently the police union is renewing its three-year contract for another three years. The group discussed the potential for regional police service and how some towns in Connecticut have no police department and crime is handled by state police. CMRPC could be a source regarding regionalization. It was suggested that police and fire could start a zero-based budget exercise for the next budget season.
        Selectmen then considered the health insurance proposal by the union which can cost the town $15,000/year for a family plan for one employee. They discussed how other communities, to cut costs, are paying employees to “opt out” of health insurance when they can get it elsewhere, like from a spouse. Nina reported that WRSD offers a flat pay-out of $3,000/year for a family plan or $1,000 for a single plan when they don’t get health insurance through the district. Some nearby towns such as Paxton are doing the same thing. The Board was open to continuing to explore offering an “opt-out” program to the union, with flat rates, similar to those at WRSD.
        They agreed that the police contract had to be finalized by April.
8:02 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Stan making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Stan each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  Police union requests.